To download my resume in PDF format, please click here. Below is an excerpt, detailing my profile and skills.
Qualified professional in Graphic Design, Web Design, Sound Design and Live Sound Engineering. Experienced in Public Relations, Marketing and Customer Service. Strong interpersonal skills. Focused task worker. Excellent team member. Intuitive, pragmatic, detailed and efficient.
- Twenty one years experience with Apple computers, software and operating systems. Competent Microsoft Windows user.
- Ten years HTML coding experience, three years with PHP.
- Ten years experience with Pro Tools for editing and production. Five years experience with Logic for composition and production.
- Competent in the use of Qlab, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, GoLive, and After Effects. Familiar with Final Cut, DVD Studio Pro, Compressor, BBEdit, Cyberduck, and Filemaker.
- Accomplished guitar player, singer, bass player, and actor. Able to sequence and compose on keyboard. Aspiring drummer
- Full clean driving licence.
My name is Rory Dale, I am a designer of many disciplines based in New York City, and this is my personal portfolio of design work. You can view a selection of my projects as you navigate throughout this site. I hope you enjoy what you see and hear, and if you are interested in getting in touch, please feel free to contact me.
Awards and Acheivements
2010 Memphis Theatre "Ostrander" Award Nomination for Excellence in Sound Design - The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940.
2009 Memphis Theatre "Ostrander" Award Nomination for Excellence in Sound Design - Third.
2008 Memphis Theatre "Ostrander" Award Nomination for Excellence in Sound Design - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?.
2007 Three Memphis Theatre "Ostrander" Award Nominations for Excellence in Sound Design - I Am My Own Wife, The Glory of Living, Rabbit Hole.
2006 Two Memphis Theatre "Ostrander" Award Nominations for Excellence in Sound Design - Tuesdays With Morrie, The Retreat From Moscow.
2005 Three Memphis Theatre "Ostrander" Award Nominations for Excellence in Sound Design - Book of Days, Floyd Collins, Of Mice and Men.
2004 Memphis Theatre "Ostrander" Award for Projection Design - The Wizard of Oz.