
Bill Andrews as Richard Nixon and George Dudley as Jim Brennan
Photo by Rory Dale
Additional work on this project
- Sound Designer
- Dialogue Coach
Video directed, shot, and edited for Frost/Nixon by Peter Morgan, produced at Playhouse on the Square in Memphis, TN, March 19 - April 3, 2010.
About this video
This video was shot using a Kodak Zi8 HD camera and edited in iMovie. Sound effects were added in post. The finished video was imported into Qlab and rear projected on a scrim.
Frost Over Australia
Synopsis of Frost/Nixon
British talk-show host David Frost has become a lowbrow laughing-stock. Richard M. Nixon has just resigned the United States presidency in total disgrace over Vietnam and the Watergate scandal. Determined to resurrect his career, Frost risks everything on a series of in-depth interviews in order to extract an apology from Nixon. The cagey Nixon, however, is equally bent on redeeming himself in his nation's eyes. In the television age, image is king, and both men are desperate to outtalk and upstage each other as the cameras roll. The result is the interview that sealed a president's legacy. This Tony Award-winning play was hailed as "a thoroughly modern Shakespearean tragedy." - CurtainUp.