
David Ryan as Mark and Rory Dale as Roger
Photo by Peter Dale
Additional work on this project
- Actor: Roger Davis
Video directed, shot, and edited for Rent. Book, Music and Lyrics by Jonathan Larson. Produced at Playhouse on the Square in Memphis, TN, June 26 - July 26, 2009.
About this video
This video was shot using MiniDV. The footage was captured and edited in iMovie to fit the music. Effects were added to age the footage and more closely mimic an 8mm film style. It was projected on the set during the final scene of the show, with a live band playing in place of the music.
Rent: Today 4 U: Proof Positive
Synopsis of Rent
Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical as well as the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1996, this exuberant musical sensation is the seventh-longest running Broadway show in history. An East Village rock version of Puccini's opera La Bohème, Larson's stirring and life-affirming score captures the heart and spirit of a generation of struggling artists, addicts, and impoverished young people living in the shadow of AIDS, battling the coming wave of gentrification. A time capsule of a world where hope crawls out of dark despair, these Bohemians find the salvation of love within each other and prove there can be a better world where art thrives, and everything good is free..